HFE as a non-invasive and effective method of hair transplantation

HFE as a non-invasive and effective method of hair transplantation: hair follicle transplantation without the use of a scalpel and scarring is a reality today. The HFE hair transplant method requires minimal intervention, almost no pain during the procedure, and a short rehabilitation period. Both men and women undergo this procedure. Until now, there was a belief that a greater number of patients of hair transplant clinics were men. Women are less likely to encounter this problem. This is due to the fact that baldness affects up to 80% of men worldwide and only about 30-40% of women.

Why do people suffer from baldness?

The causes of baldness in men and women are generally similar. For example, baldness in men in the vast majority of cases is caused by an increased level of androgens, i.e. male sex hormones, which is usually due to genetic predisposition. The same hormones are present in the female body. But in this case, diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal restructuring during menopause and hormonal drugs lead to androgenetic alopecia in women.

However, diffuse alopecia, caused by disorders of the body, for example, due to an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and also against the background of a long diet, is most common in women. This type of baldness also occurs in men, but much less frequently. In addition, there is a scarring type of baldness, from which representatives of both sexes are not free. It occurs due to skin damage caused by mechanical, chemical and thermal effects: deep damage permanently destroys the hair follicles. In any of these cases, hair follicle transplantation, including HFE, can help restore hair density to both men and women.

How to stop hair loss?

It is necessary to separate reversible and irreversible hair loss. Both androgenetic and diffuse alopecia can be stopped by eliminating the root cause. Often it is enough to abandon bad habits, change the diet. In some cases, the use of medicinal cosmetics and vitamins helps, but not self-treatment, you need to contact a specialist, e.g. a trichologist. But unfortunately, there is no perfect remedy against baldness.

As a rule, therapy only helps to stop hair loss, but does not restore the previous density. In addition, treatment will not help at all if baldness has hereditary causes or hair has stopped growing at the site of injury, that is, with scarring alopecia. In such cases, the only solution is a hair transplant. The treatment can be done in different ways. Depending on the technology, the process of removing hair from the donor region, the implantation process, different equipment is used.

For example, if the doctor intends to use cutting tools, it must be taken into account that the procedure will be very traumatic, which means that it will require a long rehabilitation period. But such hair transplantation on the head is used less and less, and there are many reasons: in the first two to four weeks, swelling of the face and headaches are possible, there is a high risk of infection and even purulent inflammation. As a result, the result is far from natural, in addition, there will always be a scar in the follicle harvesting zone.

HFE as an effective non-invasive method of hair transplantation

In the case of the most popular hair transplant technology, there are no such serious disadvantages. Scars after this operation are not so noticeable and heal faster. But a long recovery period is still required, sometimes up to four weeks. After complete healing, as a rule, there are many round scars in this area, which can generally be covered with a haircut. Only, as in the previous case, it is extremely difficult to achieve a natural result.

The HFE procedure offers a minimally invasive hair follicle transplant. Only modern microneedle tools are used. Minimal intervention reduces the risk of infection to zero. Rehabilitation is not required, so you can return to normal life almost immediately after the procedure. It will be impossible to use the sauna and do sports for some time. In the first days after the hair transplant, small red dots will be visible on the head, resembling injection marks. But their complete healing, as a rule, requires three to five days.

Surely women would like to quickly show off their beautiful hair and shine with fashionable styling. It also depends on the technology used by the specialist. If we are talking about a traumatic procedure, then the hairstyle will reach relative form somewhere in 10-25 days. Unfortunately, due to some features of such a transplant, the hair on the head will not be perfectly thick, it will be about half the usual: 25-40 hairs per square centimeter, while by nature there should be 80-120 hairs.

Thanks to more modern technology, a density of 50-60 hairs per square centimeter can be achieved. However, the tilt angle in both cases remains unnatural. With hair follicle transplantation, the HFE method can achieve a density of 120 hairs per square centimeter. In addition, thanks to the experience of doctors and modern micro-tools, it is possible to get a natural hairstyle. However, the hair restoration process usually takes no more than eight hours.